But-we decided to stand in line at the Princess Faire-the new location that they have the princesses located for the "meet and greets". We stood in line for well over an hour and were all pretty cranky by the time we got to the front of the line. Josie is absolutely obsessed with Ariel-so I figured it was worth it. Besides-she had really gotten into seeing the characters by then. She wanted to see "a big Ariel".
When we got to the front though-we discovered that they only have 3 princesses at a time-and Ariel wasn't there. I could've cried. I did not want to have to stand in that line again. So we got to see Snow White, Mulan and Cinderella. The funny thing is-she hasn't ever seen Mulan-but she posed the best with her. Go figure. She went up to each princess and asked, "Where's Ariel?" When she asked Cinderella-Cinderella told her Ariel was swimming. Then, right at that moment-Ariel came up to take Cinderella's place. Praise the Lord! I wouldn't have to do that line again! I was almost happier than Josie-who was so amazed that she kept pointing at Ariel and telling everyone, "That's Ariel!" over and over again.
As annoying as it may be to dress up as those characters-it must be cool to blow little kid's minds like that on a daily basis.
The next day-out of hunger and the desire to get out of the sun-we ate a late lunch at Ariel's Grotto-one of those restaurants where the characters come up to the table and you pay an exorbitant amount to eat in their presence. But look! She got to see Ariel again! And then she ate about 6 goldfish that were on top of her $15 mac and cheese.
Your little princess looks right at home with the Disney ones!
After our last trip to FL I swore on everything that was holy that I would NEVER fly with SP again until he was about 12. I feel ya!
Love all the beautiful pictures of Josie. She looks so happy. I love her one expressing w/snow white!
Glad you all had a blast!
I love all the pics from your adventure. Josie looks so relaxed and comfy and happy with all the characters. Maybe I have to re-consider the ban on disney princess stories in our house. We'll see. Thanks for the pics, it looks like you guys had a great time. Our next adventure is Malyasia in April -- will keep you posted.
You got some great photos! Looks like a fun trip. Josie will love looking at these over they next few years. you should make her a little album of the photos.
I'm so envious!!! I've never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld. I would love to take my girls. Great pictures!
BTW, my Facebook name is Denise Grover Swank
just read your disneyland post, fun! :) at least you weren't there dec. 26th like i was! AWFUL!!!!!!!
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