If you know me at all-you know how much I love bright colors. I finished painting the nursery and also painted flowers on the walls. I'm almost done with the flowers, but we set up the crib yesterday and I wanted to put down the rug and see how it was all coming together. The cats love the rug-I couldn't even get it all the way rolled out before they were rolling on it like it was covered in cat nip or something . . .
Mom walked in and said "It's like summer in here!" Yeah-that about sums it up. I really hope Josie likes bright colors. Otherwise-she'll have a very troubled childhood;)
So-I still need curtains and I have to finish some of the flowers. So-a preview . .
I love this rug-I based the color and flower theme of the room around this rug. Roxie likes it too.

I love it... But I also love bright colors.
Now that is a happy room! Let's get those curtains going!...Aunt Punkie
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