Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The homestudy . . .

was yesterday. I think it went pretty well-though some of the questions were difficult to answer because they were so broad.

Q. How would you handle a needy child?

My answer? "Aren't all babies needy?"

There were also a bunch of questions dealing with situations that wouldn't occur until the child was school-age or older . . .It's hard to know how you'll deal with something until it actually happens. I mean, really, you do what you have to do. It's not like I'm going to return the child as defective or something . . . .

The report will be done within a couple of weeks. And then the Dept of Homeland Security will (hopefully) contact me to set up an appointment to be fingerprinted.


Shula said...

Hey, congrats on getting through the home study. I knew it would be a breeze for you! Wahoooo!!!!! Hopefully, the good stuff comes soon. So, any bets on when you will get called for fingerprints? What else is left to do?

Jules said...

Good question. I'm planning on emailing PLAN tomorrow to see if there's anything I can get started on. Fingerprints? Maybe by the 1st of the year-or the first couple of weeks in January . . .the holidays may slow things down a bit.