Here's some pics of a few visits to the BIG PLAYPLACE-as Josie calls it.
Running the cash register:
The 5 and under bouncy "thing":
The racetrack:
Josie waiting in line for the slide. She had a hard time with this-she was often "caught" by the employees trying to cut in line. I had a hard time not laughing at her-she would maneuver herself in the front and when they turned around and noticed her-they'd make her go to the back of the line.
Ah-this waiting thing is REALLY hard!
This cool slide is worth it though.
And here she comes!
Really awesome climbing structure for the big kids (although Josie was all over this thing from Day 1. Kind of a crummy pic though, sorry.
Happy girl! Having a blast!
I wiped the kid out! Mission accomplished!
The next group of pics is from a playdate with Chloe, Taylor and Coby before Christmas. We dressed them all in red T-shirts to make it easier to keep track of all of them.
Josie and Chloe:
Josie hamming it up for the camera.
Posing at the end of the slide:
Josie on the climbing wall:
Coby in one of the few moments he wasn't causing his Mom grief.
More ham from Josie:
Taylor putting gas in Chloe's "car". Taylor spent most of her time being the mechanic for the day. She had a line of "cars" waiting for her at one point.
Josie and Chloe in the playhouse:
After Christmas we got to go again and this time have a playdate with Shali and Priya after not getting to see them for over a year! Unfortunately neither girl cooperated for pictures with the exception of Priya on the slide (she couldn't help but smile!) but I did want to document the event.