An account of a single woman's journey to become a mother through international adoption. The adoption process, travel to Vietnam, and life upon return home to Oregon.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Well, Josie was definitely spoiled this Christmas! I didn't figure she would really get into the opening of her presents, since most of my nephews and neices had meltdowns on xmas eve at her age. But she actually did really well-maybe because we opened gifts before dinner since the ham wasn't done yet. She didn't appreciate the sleeves on her pretty dress that Papa bought her, but other than that, she was in fine spirits. She had her cousins to play with and lots of attention from the adults. Grandma and Papa got her a princess tenet-and she and Josh had a blast playing in it. And since Josie likes Josh's Duke (stuffed dog) so much-he got her one of her own. We named it Duchess, of course.
After I put Josie to bed, I drove back up to Portland for midnite mass and then back down to Salem afterward. I got to bed about 3:30am and Josie woke up at 6:30am. All I heard was "Whoozzatt?" I assume she meant me since I hadn't been there before . . . So cute. I woke up laughing, which is good since I was so tired.
Christmas Day was full of more presents and lots of family. Just perfect!

After I put Josie to bed, I drove back up to Portland for midnite mass and then back down to Salem afterward. I got to bed about 3:30am and Josie woke up at 6:30am. All I heard was "Whoozzatt?" I assume she meant me since I hadn't been there before . . . So cute. I woke up laughing, which is good since I was so tired.
Christmas Day was full of more presents and lots of family. Just perfect!
18 months . . .
and so adorable!

Hey Josie-bean! You know, I was a little concerned about how little you were talking, but no more! Every day you seem to have a new word or phrase-of course, sometimes you have your own "spin" on the word-but I figure it still counts. My favorite right now? Whazzat? or Whoozzat? (What's that? or Who's that?). It kills me when you wake up in the morning talking like that. So cute.
However-I haven't seemed to figure out where the volume control is. Poor Papa Joe has to take you outside for most of Mass nowadays, not because you're crying or fussy, but because you're so LOUD and you want to explore the church. I fully expect to look up one day and see you up by the altar and priest pointing at the chalice and saying "Whazzat?"
Hey Josie-bean! You know, I was a little concerned about how little you were talking, but no more! Every day you seem to have a new word or phrase-of course, sometimes you have your own "spin" on the word-but I figure it still counts. My favorite right now? Whazzat? or Whoozzat? (What's that? or Who's that?). It kills me when you wake up in the morning talking like that. So cute.
However-I haven't seemed to figure out where the volume control is. Poor Papa Joe has to take you outside for most of Mass nowadays, not because you're crying or fussy, but because you're so LOUD and you want to explore the church. I fully expect to look up one day and see you up by the altar and priest pointing at the chalice and saying "Whazzat?"
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